Thursday, September 07, 2006


Elves Answer
From Within The Silent World

by St.Clair & The Guidance

"MIRRORING THE STARS" - (click castle picture) - the exclusive interview for The Remote Viewer - gained a great deal of attention during the Pisces Full Moon of September 2006.

Readers asked certain questions. This short "essay" by St.Clair is in answer to some of these considerations, and points out a few things that could have been added in the interview but would be better placed separately - as we are now engaged on the Guided Path of Light.


"For thousands of years the Elves have tried to heal the human beings. It didn't work! Those were the pre historical times in terms of records. J.R.R. Tolkien wrote of it extensively, and his writings (The Lord of The Rings and many others) are NOT fiction as they describe the parallel reality, and the vibration remains "written" in the stones and in the out-of-place artifacts pointing to the extra-terrestrial origin of mankind.

I remember those times. We couldn't heal humans, because humans did not want to be healed. This is something I go deeply into in the book ZEN OF STARS. Humans wanted to do what they want. So, the Elves left. It was bad news. And now we approach the crossing of the dimensions.

At first (centuries ago) we from the Elven world -- some were known as "The Shining Ones" -- tried again to heal humans, and mostly we found that we were dealing with fakes. The invisible forces or the Guidance network described in the book and in the above interview did set up encounters, to teach us - the few -w ho came back into this realm how to SEE the fakes, to be able to differentiate between the real light workers and the Darth Vader type infiltrators.

Those are people who don't even want to change, they are in essence genetically sick, and in a way all we can do for them, 90% of humanity, is to feel compassion for them, but not more than that, just "intelligent" compassion for their inability or lack of determination to change their ways.

But they follow the light workers around (because that is where the energy is). There are certain Sacred Geometric laws to change, and these people do not want to apply those laws. They don't play by the rules, they break the rules. These people are very dangerous, because they are corrupt inside of their souls.

"Corrupt" - in Elven terminology - means: You do wrong - knowing it is wrong. In other words the Elves see who is right in their mindset and who is not, they just watch from seemingly afar and yet they are within our reach.

They see how light workers are treated by the fakes who tag along disrupting the lives of the few really good people, so that the good people don't have any effect. Think about that for a moment...

The standard entry ticket is: "Oh I want to change my life. I want to help you help others," etc. In truth they want to continue, and in truth they want to perpetuate their sickness, on to others. These people are a cancer on the earth.

In the otherworld councils I was one of those who would let the humans phase out. It is real easy to do. Don't send any light workers down here and the game is over within two or three generations, and yes we are now at this point, and the human beings will not survive - they will be gone.

The 'reason' is my (our) ability to see (outside of this incarnation). This is something that some of us have learned many incarnations ago, maybe as far back as ten twenty thousand human years ago. I (we) saw the worst happening, and the effect it would have on the planet. But we worked with the other members of the council, and they wanted to give the humans a chance...

Now they know otherwise -- and the planet is suffering. This thing we are living here now in the years 2006 / 2007 and beyond is a test of sorts to see how many are really "one of us" - and with it - as the linear old brain shifts into the psychic mind of the Cosmos.

The reason the Celts are associated with the ancient advanced Nordics is because ==> We work this way: The knowledge is in the stones, and we wrote nothing down, never did and never will. We only were taught and teach by word of mouth at best, but really by telepathy only. Like in Atlantis or Egypt - no warnings, just inner knowing. Those of you who passed through Egyptian rites initiations thousans of years ago know exactly what it is I am talking about.

If the near future humans are children of the earth and live by natures laws they will be able to read the stones (themselves) - and survive. If future humans are not the children of the earth and do not live by natures laws, they will not be able to read the silent stones (and survive). So you can imagine what this entails for the few years ahead.

This is the way of Cosmos and of nature... It's more honest, more true. More real. Because the Celts and ancients did not want idiots ruling the planet they withdrew. The other members of the council are more esoteric/liberal.

They wanted to give humans 'a chance', help them along, enlighten them, and so on. But other among this council KNOW that chances that humanity will understand and apply the reading of the knowing are slim.

We agreed to work with the esoteric / liberal majority in the council, despite our knowing of slim chances for success, because we were also in the knowing that we would be picking up the damage control at the end. But we let them experience this and see for themselves...

Therefore you have seen on the earth over the years these teachings of the esoteric / liberals from the council on earth. One could summarize these teachings under the label of "New Age" and unfortunately as well-meaning as it all was, it is totally misguided and as we have seen it does not work. And they see now it has not worked. And they are turning to us for help.

The Age of Aquarius is NOT an age of laisser-faire and feel good teachings in the sense of do as you will and all is well. The Age of Aquarius is the age of knowing. It is no-nonsense.

For the esoteric / liberal branch of the council of the "good guys" to turn to us for help means things must be pretty dark by now - even by their own estimation. We are the last ones they want to ask for help, because we represent the star beings who are rather uncompromising. We just stayed in the back ground and watched things unfold.

Although I am one of the people who would have let it all collapse in order to save / protect the earth - I worked with the 'plan' of the majority of the more "lenient" members of this Elven council.

I personally attempted to implement the esoteric / liberal plan of the council. So, I personally tried to intervene on humans behalf, to help them. I tested it out, as we had all agreed we would give it a go.

And my earlier assessments were confirmed. It is a no go.

People to be helped 'attacked me'. Tried to destroy me. Tried to kill me even etc. so I certainly have seen what it means in real life here now to be a light worker and to coordinate the work of these light workers. It is open spiritual warfare. You have to know this and no amount of feel good talk will plaster over this reality.

We have to stay with the facts and with the "what is". Not with the what we wish for. Creating new realities will imply a totally different approach than the one we read about a lot in the "aternative" media.

This is what I address in Zen of Stars -
the book about the futures of planet Earth.

What we are witnessing in reality now is a hidden war. A secret war. A deceptive war. They - the dark ones inside the council of the Unknown Nine - want control. To get to us, and to sabotage our work, they have to be nice, be 'friendly'.

So they send in friendly seeming people, but they forget we SEE and have the SIGHT. If they are not nice and friendly, they cannot get near us. They are coming in - the enemies of mankind - as helpers and friends. You need to always remember this and be very discerning now in the months and years ahead.

Be well and watch out -
as you begin to walk on this guided path of light!"

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